URN号码法律标注册,什么是法律标LAW LABEL?什么是URN注册号?如何办理法律标?法律超标注册的费用是多少?
  • URN号码法律标注册,什么是法律标LAW LABEL?什么是URN注册号?如何办理法律标?法律超标注册的费用是多少?
  • URN号码法律标注册,什么是法律标LAW LABEL?什么是URN注册号?如何办理法律标?法律超标注册的费用是多少?
  • URN号码法律标注册,什么是法律标LAW LABEL?什么是URN注册号?如何办理法律标?法律超标注册的费用是多少?






《哥伦比亚特区法典》第8篇第5章(床垫的制造、翻新和销售)要求床垫公司、制造商和零售商必须向其部门注册以获取许可证,即注册法律标LAW LABEL(URN号码)

On August 1, 2023, Washington, D.C., will implement real regulations for stuffing manufacturers and retailers - Title 8, Chapter 5 of the District of Columbia Code (Manufacture, Refurbishment, and Sale of mattresses).

At present, US government personnel have begun to inspect the physical stores in Washington, DC. In order for stuffed items to be sold in Washington, D.C., manufacturers and retailers are demanding immediate action or face possible fines and other violations.

What are the regulations for manufacturers and retailers of stuffed items in Washington, D.C.?

Title 8, Title 5 (Manufacture, Refurbishment, and Sale of mattresses) of the District of Columbia Code requires mattress companies, manufacturers, and retailers to register with their department for a license, i.e. a registered legal LABEL (URN number).


Shenzhen Dingshun Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. can provide a one-stop solution for the majority of manufacturers and retailers to help your products in the United States to sell unimpeded

什么是法律标LAW LABEL?

Law Label(法律标签)是一种要求在某些消费产品(通常是填充材料的产品,如枕头、床垫、家具和填充玩具)上贴附的标签,是一张具有法律效力的标签,用来描述床垫,软体家具和软填充物如枕头,抱枕,毛绒玩具等的布料和填料成分/比例。

总体而言,Law Label旨在保护消费者,确保他们对购买产品的内部材料有清晰的了解。


在《哥伦比亚特区法典》第8篇第5章(床垫的制造、翻新和销售)中,对床垫的定义广泛,指的是设计用于睡眠或躺卧用途”的产品。 即包括以下产品:












What is a LAW LABEL?

A Law Label is a label that is required to be attached to certain consumer products (usually products with filling materials such as pillows, mattresses, furniture, and stuffed toys). It is a label with the force of law that describes the fabric and filler composition/ratio of mattresses, upholstered furniture, and soft fillers such as pillows, throw pillows, stuffed toys, etc.

Overall, the Law Label is designed to protect consumers and ensure they have a clear understanding of the materials inside the products they purchase.

What products are regulated in Washington, D.C.?

In Title 8, Chapter 5 (Manufacture, Refurbishment, and Sale of mattresses) of the District of Columbia Code, a mattress is broadly defined to refer to a product designed for sleeping or relying use. This includes the following products:

(1) Baby products:

Baby changing pads, padded baby carriers, crib bumper pads, stroller/padded parts, child car seats, nursing pillows

(2) Bedding:

Quilts, bed pillows, sleeping bags, sleeping MATS, quilts, MATS (for bedding), mattresses, padded headboards

(3) Furniture and furniture accessories:

Beanbag chair, recliner, sofa, double seat, massage chair, upholstered furniture, cushion (for furniture), furniture protection mat (for pets), waterbed mattress liner

(4) Auto and vehicle accessories:

Car seat protection cushion, car seat cushion, Marine seat

(5) Others: neck pillow/neck roll, decorative pillow, game mat

Is there a registration fee in Washington, D.C., and how is it charged?

Yes, filler manufacturers and retailers are required to pay a registration fee

注册URN号码 法律标流程







Procedure for registering a legal label for a URN number

Determine product classification: Identify the state and product type that require a URN label. (If it is sold by Amazon, then this may involve registration in 14 states across the United States.)

Submit registration application: Apply for URN legal label to Ding Shun Testing, and fill in the application and product information. (We will provide documents to fill in)

Confirm the registration scheme: Shenzhen Dingshun Testing one-to-one proposed targeted registration URN legal label scheme.

Submit information for review: Submit product information and wait for regulatory review and approval.

Making legal labels: After the audit, Shenzhen Dingshun Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. provides URN legal label production template.

Correct use of labels: comply with the regulations of use, and regularly update the legal label of URN.


Shenzhen Dingshun Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. in the United States URN registration business has a very mature experience, and for different customers, different manufacturers, different products to different solutions


Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises

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